Hmmm. I enjoyed blogging this quarter. As we talk about in literacy, it seems more purposeful now, and so more worthwhile. I blog to help me organize my thoughts. I blog because I've seen something cool and I want to remember it. I blog sometimes in order to try to get other's perspective on a question. Overall, even without an audience, I have found the blogging helpful.
I have about 10 drafts of blogs yet unpublished. I've stopped thinking about the weekly deadline for class blogs, and instead I publish things as I feel I'm finished processing the event or idea that inspired them, and am ready to share that with the world. I like this evolution too. It feels more genuine to post according to my own internal measure.
At one point I thought i would include a question in each post, in order to elicit feedback. I found that when I planned in advance to do this, it changed how I wrote the post (once again, echoes of ideas about purpose and audience from literacy class). I didn't do that consistently though, because not everything lent itself to leaving a question on the table. I find when reading others posts, I usually agree, but don't have much to add on. I know too that brevity has become valued as we try to keep up with each other's blogging. At this point, my blogging is a mix, some short, some long, some with open questions, some more reflective.
There aren't a lot of comments on my blog. If I am making 2 comments a week on others blogs, I am not receiving that same number back. Maybe because of the nature of my blogs, but perhaps also because we are not all managing 2 comments a week. I know I go in bursts with respect to commenting. As I've suggested, I find my current style of blogging helpful and useful to me, and while I would be happy to see more feedback, that is not a driving force for me at this point.
My blog from this quarter which I think would be conducive to further conversation and ideas:
A couple blog posts where I found the discussion interesting:
I'm very glad that you're finding use here. I'm seeing you share resources and ideas. I'm seeing you thinking out loud about your work. You've nudged others to think more carefully about this journey, and that's exactly the point. I'm looking forward to reading more in Winter.